
My sponsors :

M Prim Bunthol with Wonresidence

Claire Massart with inspiration-cambodia


Josette Vanneur with Pagoda cats

 Thanks to my sponsors and to my godparents who allow me these actions

I use my position in Cambodia to carry out some charity work with Sophal – a Cambodian girl :

  • Informal care in the countryside to people in needs of care, who have no money, and are unable to move in big cities to go to the hospital. img_6069p1130622
  • The school assistance of a handicapped boy named Thiv. He lives in the countryside of Siem Reap. Before our meeting, he has lived alone under the family house without any stimulation for over 12 years). We also support his family (one couple + 9 minors loads, children and nephews) by creating projects, which allows them to live properly, because the family does not have enough food, to feed them every day.

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  • Aid from Josette Vanneur and her association Siem Reap Pagoda Cat, which collects, treats, sterilized and adopts many abandoned cats in pagodas.

I rise to look after her little compagny and also support her projects.


  • Support and logistics Assistance sponsoring children in need here, and with the help of a godfather or a godmother can benefit from the chance to go to a “correct” school and have a choice in their life.

p1130614Godmother and godaughter:


  • I am also in the committee to support the creation of a French Alliance in Siem Reap and treasurer of the association: Français du monde -Cambodge-

Feel free to ask me for more information regarding an action or another. I’d be glad to share with you.

All his actions are possible through a portion of the revenue that I reserve for it and somes donations from individuals people. You could be part of it if you wish.

To support these actions : help Thiv, help a little boy or a little girl to go to school and live comfortably, or support me in using volunteers that I bring to the Cambodians, contact me.

I focus on a small project in order to have an impact within the means at my disposal. Here,  no big structure that requires large investments. Every gift, every dollar donated is in full to support the causes we defend, Sophal and me.
